Writing as Worship

Writing as Worship

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

PSALM 19:14 (NIV)

More than a Story

Read Psalm 121:1-2

Our family took a mini break to a seaside township in the far south of our state. While we were there, I planned to research for my first historical fiction novel. What took  me by surprise, however, was the absolute majesty of the hills surrounding us. In the middle of winter, mist lingered over the peaks and even over the fields. There were hazy sunsets and even foggier dawns. Light rain fell upon lush grass where farm animals grazed, and rainbows stretched across the grey sky. In this rare idyllic setting, with our toddler contentedly dozing in the car seat, the first verses of Psalm 121 kept flowing like a melody through my mind.

“I lift my eyes to the hills.

From where does my help come?

My help comes from the LORD,

who made heaven and earth…”

Psalm 121:1-2 (ESV)

As I considered this verse, I kept thinking of my characters, and the world the Lord was sewing together in my mind, only giving me enough ideas and clarity as I needed to explore the next step in this new creative adventure. What I didn’t realise in the moment, was the clear connection between this Psalm and Writing as Worship.

“I lift my eyes to the hills…”

Writing as Worship takes an intentionality. It often involves us shifting our heart posture from self-focused to Kingdom-focused. I lift my eyes and seek the Lord, what does He want this project to be? I know He who has created me and called me will help me to use this gift for His Kingdom purpose.

When we posture our hearts in surrender, gratitude, and praise…

When we seek the Lord’s glory above our own…

When we long to partner with the Lord to create what He is calling us to create for His glory and for His Kingdom purpose…

When we write as worship…

A shift happens.

When we lift our eyes and seek help from the Lord, He’s there. He’s waiting to partner with us. After all, He is the Ultimate Creator. 


  • Read Psalm 145 out loud as a prayer to your Heavenly Father, praising Him for all He is and all He has done, because a posture of worship begins with gratitude and praise.  
  • Write a prayer for your current writing project. Ask the Lord to be at the centre of your project and to guide you that you may bring glory to Him. Then, try praying this prayer everyday and especially before sitting down to write.
  • Listen for the Holy Spirit as you write. Even if you feel blocked, don’t rely on your own abilities, seek the supernatural resources that are available to us directly from the throne room of our Heavenly Father.

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