The Glasshouse

Easter in the Glasshouse

Dearest Daughter of God,

Take a deep breath, slip off your shoes, and ground yourself in this truth – God is faithful.

the glasshouse

The glasshouse falls quiet. A somber note hums through the reeds and even the Nocturnum Orchids stay still, their blooms closed despite the darkness.

Moonlight spills over the surface of the water, broken only by our toes at the water’s edge. A tentative swirl. We rest a moment.

The Master Gardner is here. He pauses with us and offers to wash our feet.

Night sounds fill our ears and our minds, and we dare to stop. To quiet the world and accept this gift. This moment.


Pause in His Presence.

The Master Gardner longs to connect with you. Everything else can wait. The world is not going anywhere. But we can, if we allow ourselves.

The cool water meets our weary feet and we push away all shame and embarrassment to let Him wash them clean. As He does, His voice lifts, a melody we have never heard and yet it feels so familiar within our spirit.

He is singing over us. He is taking joy in us being still with Him.

The water swirls and waves around His gentle movements, and we allow ourselves to close our eyes.

We are safe here. With Him.

And in this quiet moment, with the stars far beyond the transparent roof, we remember all He has done.

No matter what realities lurk beyond the glasshouse, we take His truths with us.

He is faithful.

He has done it before, He will do it again.

He is faithful.

From Eden to Gethsemane, to the glasshouse within…

He is faithful.

‘Into Your hands I now entrust my spirit.

O Lord, the God of faithfulness,

You have rescued me and redeemed me.’

Psalm 31:5 (TPT)

Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter.


Liz Chapman

DOLL Ministries

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One Comment

  • Kelly knott

    I love your writing. It is a work of art. I felt God’s presence in your descriptions. Your words are beautiful and moving. They are also encouraging and inspiring. Well done.

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