The Glasshouse

In the Glasshouse

Dearest Daughter of God,

Are you struggling to rest in His Presence? Do you feel distracted? Distant? Or even, broken?

the glasshouse

Sometimes cracks form in the walls of the glasshouse, allowing the elements of the world to seep in and hinder the flourishing the Master Gardener has worked so hard to cultivate within us.

When that happens, however, He does not banish us from meeting with Him. He does not punish us for the cracks we’ve allowed to form. Instead, He gazes on us lovingly and waits with open arms for us to come home. To rest in Him. To be in His Presence. To soak in His word. To posture ourselves in a position of worship. To shift our gaze above, rather than allowing it to linger on our situation.

When that happens, He returns to His garden shed and brings out something new…


Instead of leaving us to our own devices – wondering how we will ever fix all those cracks by ourselves – He sets to work, repairing them with great care. As He works through our broken places, soldering us back together with the purest of gold, something beautiful takes shape. Our glasshouse becomes a beautiful mosaic, far more valuable than it had been before the brokenness.

Now, not only are we blooming from within but the very glasshouse itself shines with His glory.

Daughter of God, know this. You are not too far from Him. Even if this season in your life seems beyond your control, turning our hearts toward Him is all it takes for God to begin His transforming work.

Sometimes all we need to do is have open hands and surrender to His process.

It’s not easy, allowing the Master Gardener to heal the broken places. But it’s worth it. And it is how we become complete.

Take it from someone who has felt broken most of her life. Once the Master Gardener brings light and love to those broken places, there is no going back.

He is the One who makes us whole again.

Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house. Let the King be enthralled by your beauty; honor Him; for He is your Lord… All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold.

Psalm 45:10-11;13 (NIV)

Liz Chapman is the founder of DOLL Ministries. She has a Graduate Diploma in Divinity and Arts majoring in Creative Writing, and is currently embarking on a doctoral study. You can follow her writing journey at

One Comment

  • Linsey

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful post. It is wonderful to be reminded of God’s amazing love and transforming work. ❤️ I love the picture of the cracked glass being mended with gold, so precious.

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